Janda Baik Getaway
Janda Baik Getaway is a weekend home tucked away in the wilderness of Bentong, Pahang
Janda Baik Getaway is a weekend home tucked away in the wilderness of Janda Baik, Bentong, Pahang. Resting half-way up a sloping 6.33-acre site, the house was designed to embrace the surrounding tropical jungle.
Our client’s brief was for a simple and small ‘kampung’ house — a retreat where they could relax and connect with family, friends, pets, and nature.
Based on the concept of a 'kampung' house, it is designed as a retreat for the client to unwind and reconnect with loved ones and nature
Respecting the existing hill slope and natural surroundings, a linear form was adopted
The entire site is on a hill slope, with flat clearings both midway up and at the very top. As the top was designated as a shelter for our client’s senior rescue dogs, the lower clearing was naturally chosen for siting the house. Responding to the shape of the existing clearing and keeping with the intention of not disturbing the slopes or existing trees, a linear form was therefore adopted.
The house faces south-west, overlooking tree canopies and distant mountain ranges
Facing south-west on its front facade, the house overlooks a panorama of tree canopies and distant mountain ranges as the front terrain slopes away. Access to the property is through a narrow bending driveway from the main road below.
Full-height sliding doors and openable windows blur the boundaries between indoors and outdoors on the open-plan upper-floor living and dining area
On the upper floor, the two-storey house shares an open-plan living and dining area with a master bedroom suite. Full height sliding doors and openable windows form the exterior skin, allowing one to fully appreciate the natural light, fresh air, and breathtaking views.
One can enjoy natural light, fresh air, and breathtaking views while sitting on the balcony
Deep balconies, protected by deep roof overhangs, extend from the internal spaces, forming generous covered terraces where our client would relax, dine, and socialise. These cantilevered decks in turn shade the lower floor, especially the garden walkways outside the guest bedrooms below.
Constructed primarily of steel and glass, the upper level features a large single-pitched roof that hovers over the structure, creating a light box impression
The upper level is primarily constructed in steel and glass with a large single-pitched roof lightly hovering over the whole structure. This light box sits on a more solid volume that hosted the guest wing. The palette of materials used was locally sourced, while the building method took into consideration the ease of construction, given the constraints of the site.
Text by the architect