The Borneo Architecture Journal

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Peeping OKR I


Shit pit-latrine-toilet

After reading Meiwei Kappa’s "Toilet Difference", it reminds me of the unforgettable experience of ‘toileting’ in my childhood, and I have the urge to draw a picture of the ‘shit pit’ of that time. When I was young, I went to my grandmother's house at The Old Klang Road in Kuala Lumpur, I was bound to use the toilet called a ‘shit pit’ or latrine. Why is it called a ‘shit pit’? The meaning of the pit is the sunken place on the ground within a latrine.

There is a saying in Cantonese [new shit pit, three days incense] The freshness of a newly built toilet can only last for three days. Even if the original meaning of this sentence is not so, just hearing this sentence is enough to prove that the ‘shit pit’ must be stinking. That's why when I was young, I swore not to patronize the ‘shit pit’ unless I had to.

Mobile toilets in the sixties – drawing according to father’s dictation

The evolution of the toilet

Grandma's home was located at Kampong near the Klang River, and the sewage system was very much depending on the residents' abilities during the developing era. Therefore, in the 1960s, every household would dig a pit of about 4 to 5 feet in the open area by the river or pond, a movable roofless latrine would then be lifted to the pit. After the one pit was full, a new pit would be dug nearby, then the same latrine would be carried to the new pit. The old pit would be covered with sand, marked with small plants or fruit trees on the spot. The fruits that grow will be particularly large. It is said that this is a method to identify the location of the old pit, which is very environmentally friendly.

In the 1970s, there were finally public toilets, but they were divided into two types: sit on stilt type with locks and the liner row type without locks, both of which were jointly built by several households living nearby. Both types of public toilets are far away from residents' houses to avoid contamination to the water sources (well water). The toilets were still built by the river or lake, the feces would washed away following the river flow or directly discharged into the lake. Most toilets in the kampung were lifted with stilts, three meters from the river bank, two meters away from the riverside, connected by a wooden bridge. The materials are wooden walls, metal roofs and wooden doors. There is a one-foot ventilation gap between the roof and the wooden walls, allowing bad smell to be quickly exhaust from the toilet. In the 1970s, the toilets did not provide tap water. Everyone had to self-provide water from their homes to wash them, and toilet paper as well. Anyone who wants to use the toilet must ask the owner of the toilet for the key, it was a common practice to leave a few cents to the owner when borrowing the key.

In the 1980s, some public toilet facilities were upgraded, and there were also water taps nearby, connecting from the tank that collect rainwater for washing, which was much more convenient. There is a small bucket tied to the door for donation (probably for maintenance and repair). There is also a bucket, but toilet paper is still self-provided.

Toilet by the riverside in the 1980s

The toilet-and-fish ecosystem

Experience the toilet

I still remember being upset when I was a little, patronizing the ‘shit pit’ was really difficult for me. I had to carry a heavy bucket in one hand, toilet paper in the other hand, ask for a key, running here and there just to get to use the toilet. The journey seems to be mission impossible especially in urgent cases, the route was always longer than normal. When arrive, I had to pray to the gods that no one using it (because two or three families keep the keys at the same time). If it was in used, there were two options: go to the one further away or go to a nearby open field to solve it, then find a branch to dig a hole, and then push the excrement into the hole and then bury it with sand.

Crossing the creaking and crumbling plank bridge was another challenge for me. The overall structure of the toilet seemed to be unstable. Even if I was lucky enough to reach to the unoccupied toilet, it still took me some time to unlock the door. After all these hustles, if one had not poop in the pants, would deem to pass the first challenge.

The toilet was a squat type, with foot rest on both sides, and you can look directly to the bottom from the pit. More disgusting thing could be found were traces of excrement rubbed on the wall, probably left by someone who forgot to bring toilet paper. When going to the toilet, you must pinch your nose and aim at the pit. Sometimes flies would fly out of the pit, and there would be worms in the toilet. Although it smelled bad, what I couldn't wait for was that when the poop dropped into the river, I would immediately look into the ‘pit’ and observed group of fishes scrambling to eat. This was the greatest joy for me going to the toilet!

The design and positioning of the toilet are based on practical considerations. For example, its distance above the river surface was to prevent the dirt from splashing on the buttock. When I was a child, this three-meter distance was the reason for my timidity. I imagined that I accidentally crossed the wrong foot and fell down. I wonder if I will be swallowed by fish or feces. However, neither of these two possibilities would happen because these toilets were built at least three meters away from the shore, taking into account that the feces could drop directly into the river. Only occasionally when the river is at low tide, a lot of excrement piled up makes it smelly. It must be very thrilling experience for the residents here to poop at night.

Later, because of this unforgettable and valuable experience, I built a latrine-like toilet in my backyard, a standing along hut, detached from the house, natural ventilation gap with simple metal roof, allowing rainwater to splash in and sunlight. Minimal finishes, no wash basin. Aside from reintroducing its practically, it reminds many people to their previous toilet experience, especially my father. When it was completed, he was really excited and brought back endless memories. He will definitely dominate this toilet every time he pays me a visit from Kuala Lumpur. Doesn't that prove the success of my design!

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