Family Court

The overall form of the house is a series of dwelling boxes unified by a roof plane

These are a pair of detached dwellings for two siblings, on a plot of land near their family home, which was also designed by our practice. In 2020, some 15 yeas later, we completed this pair  of double-storey detached houses; for our former client’s son and daughter. The site is about 2170m2, the two houses share a common entrance, where it then splits into two paths leading to their respective car porches.

These houses are a continuation of the family ‘estate’ - the parents’ house was designed by the same architect some 15 years earlier

The two houses are basically a mirror image of one another; separated by a shared central courtyard. The design of the houses can be perceived as a series of "boxes within boxes", where the internal spaces are considered as smaller boxes contained in larger longitudinal boxes which make up the whole building enclosure. The architectural language of the houses uses protruding balconies and terraces to reflect the central idea mentioned.

The symmetry of the houses are reinforced by the shared entrance courtyard

The external landscape and fencing design attempts to add a touch of whimsy to the rectilinear forms of the houses

The living and dining spaces on the ground floor are designed to have access and extensive views towards the outside while allowing natural daylight to enter into the rooms. Meanwhile, the three bedrooms on the first floor are also able to overlook the shared central courtyard below through the balconies and large windows. Besides, adjustable louvred screens are installed at bedroom balconies to offer the occupants flexibility for privacy and day lighting. .



  • Architect : Hwong Architect
    Area : 2170 m2
    Project Location
    : Kuching | Sarawak
    Year : 2020

  • C&S Engineer : Perunding Perkasa Uniti
    M&E Engineer : Perunding Dynatech
    Contractor : Plus Interior Design & Construction
    Design Team : Hwong How Hing | Alvin Thia | Grace Lee | Phyllis Law
    Photography : Alvin Thia

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